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2023 1st Prize Winners
Energy Efficiency

2023 1st Prize Winners Energy Efficiency Tier "Project Illuminate"
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Team Member(s):
Nathan Arthur, Amber Gale, Xavier Ramirez, Bailey Mosones, Annalise Yenney
Project Title:
Project Illuminate
Buena High School
Michael Yorke
Project Description:
Team Trojan proposes to reduce the energy consumption of their school by changing the current fluorescent lights to LED lights. The group estimates that the school could expect to save $97,810.90 over 10 years after implementation in 88 classrooms. The students also highlight the effect of fluorescent lighting on students' learning outcomes, the decreased environmental impact of using LED lighting, and the overall reduction in the schools' carbon footprint caused by making the switch.
Waste Reduction
Team Member(s):
Lola Tennison, Jaslyn Shirk, Nathan Turner, Lynna Nguyen
Project Title:
CTRL:Compost, Trash, Recycle, Leachate
Foothill Tech High School
Emily Hunt
Project Description:
The CTRL team's project goal is to reduce the amount of food and leachate-contaminated waste at Foothill Tech HS by 50%. Leachates are trash liquids that build up in landfills and cannot evaporate. Through a waste audit, they found that a great number of recyclable items were contaminated by leachates and although their school has separate bins for trash, there were compostable items in every bin.
Water Conservation
Team Member(s):
Rebecca Trauner, Elianna Richards, Will Oxford, Chloe Davis
Project Title:
Water Women + Will
Foothill Tech High School
Emily Hunt
Project Description:
Rebecca, Elianna, Chloe and Will aim to save water and money at Foothill every year by creating a rain garden where turf is replaced by native plants and grasses. Converting the tired grass along the walkways and lawn to deep-rooted plants that are adapted to Southern California could save the school $700 a month in irrigation costs. Shifting away from turf will increase biodiversity on campus, which will in turn create better conditions for native plants and students alike.
Matilija Dam Outreach Campaign
Team Member(s):
Abigail Wood, Ashley Bayza, Makayla White, Sage O'Neill, Maddie Marshall, Breanna Nautu
Project Title:
About Dam Time to be Dam Good Influencers
Buena High School
Michael Yorke
Project Description:
The Dam Good Influencers want to increase knowledge and awareness of the benefits of removing the Matilija Dam through the use of social media by 25%. The team created a survey with general questions on the dam and their results showed that the audience answered 50% of the questions correctly. The team then created social media campaigns using Instagram informational posts and Tiktok videos. After showing their educational media to their audience, they collect a post-survey and found that they answered 90% of the questions correctly, therefore, successfully increasing the awareness and knowledge of their audience.
Sample Project Videos
Videos for the EECCOA Challenge are meant to help judges understand your project proposal by giving them additional details, and relevant images and film of your school campus. Most importantly, it’s an opportunity to explain your project first hand. Your video should include the information from your presentation and workbook that is important to understand your proposal. The purpose of your video is to explain your project well, convey why it should be implemented, and why you should win! Plus, you can show your creativity and entertain them at the same time.

Water Conservation
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Matilija Dam
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Waste Reduction
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Energy Efficiency
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Sample Projects Presentations
Matilija Dam Outreach
2023 2nd Prize Winner
2023 3rd Prize Winner
Water Conservation
2023 2nd Prize Winner
2023 3rd Prize Winner
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