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2024 1st Prize Winners
Energy Efficiency
Team Member(s):
Kelly Cooke, Satsha Benitez
Project Title:
Watts Up!
DeAnza Middle School
Elaine Theurer
Project Description:
"Watts Up" proposed to cut energy use at home by replacing energy-intensive devices. They discovered that their AC unit accounted for 44.5% of their energy consumption, posing both financial and environmental challenges. Research led them to advocate for substituting AC with ceiling fans, aiming to reduce both energy consumption and cost. They designed an information sheet and presented their proposal to neighbors, friends, and family, advocating for energy and cost savings.
Waste Reduction
Team Member(s):
Justin W., William H., Beckett S., Liam B.
Project Title:
The Spork Situation
Foothill Tech High School
Emily Hunt
Project Description:
Justin, William, Beckett, and Liam proposed to reduce plastic waste on campus by changing the distribution methods of sporks. Their waste audit revealed over 30 sporks and packaging littered around Foothill at any given time. To tackle this, they propose ditching spork packaging and extra utensils. Their solution is a new spork dispenser which they 3D modeled themselves, cutting packaging waste and unused straws and napkins. They'll spread the word through social media and school posters.
Water Conservation
Team Member(s):
Olivia Mowad, Merric Bayless, Rihanna Samples, Kieran Buxton
Project Title:
Water Fountain Woes
Foothill Tech High School
Emily Hunt
Project Description:Olivia, Merric, Rihanna, and Keiran aimed to reduce plastic water bottle use by investigating underutilized water fountains. Student polls revealed that most students bring water bottles from home but don't refill them at fountains due to concerns about taste and cleanliness. After testing pH and bacteria for water fountain quality, they decided on installing two "Flowater" stations to improve taste and reduce bacteria levels. They plan to fundraise and use posters to garner support and communicate their plan throughout the school.
Matilija Dam Outreach Campaign
This video has been deleted.
Team Member(s):
Rey Brookes, Harper Thorn
Project Title:
Paint the River
Buena High School
Michael Yorke
Project Description: The "Paint the River" team aimed to educate 70% of the Buena student body about the Matilija Dam. They conducted surveys to gauge initial knowledge, then shared their website and mock mural, tracking changes in incorrect answers. Interestingly, educating peers also increased support for the dam's elimination. They met with the vice principal to discuss a mural in the school's science wing and attended the MERITO Foundation Earth Day Event to educate the public on dam-related environmental degradation. Their plan involves fundraising and volunteer efforts to paint the mural and utilize their website to raise dam awareness within the school and community.
Sample Project Videos
Videos for the EECCOA Challenge are meant to help judges understand your project proposal by giving them additional details, and relevant images and film of your school campus. Most importantly, it’s an opportunity to explain your project first hand. Your video should include the information from your presentation and workbook that is important to understand your proposal. The purpose of your video is to explain your project well, convey why it should be implemented, and why you should win! Plus, you can show your creativity and entertain them at the same time.
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Watch other sample videos on our YouTube Channel
Sample Projects Presentations
Matilija Dam Outreach
Water Conservation
2023 2nd Prize Winner
2023 3rd Prize Winner
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