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2022 1st Prize Winners

Energy Efficiency

Team Member(s):
Alex Saenz, Frankie Parker, Jayla Benitez

Project Title:
Electric Warriors

Ventura High School, Ventura, California

Heather Miyata

Project Description:
The "Electric Warriors" team's goal was to save energy and reduce the cost of Ventura HS' electric bill by installing solar panels on the students' and teachers' parking lot and installing motion-sensored lighting in their classrooms. The team calculated that Ventura HS pays around $261,468 a year. Methods that they proposed to reduce energy consumption, greenhouse gases, and cost would be to shut off projectors and unplug any items that are not in use, these two methods would have no cost. The methods that would have a cost would be purchasing and installing motion sensor lighting in all classrooms and installing solar panels in the parking. They plan to communicate this plan by posting it on Instagram, presenting it to a VHS meeting then the Ventura Unified School District board then the Ventura City Mayor.

Waste Reduction

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Team Member(s):
Brooke Bouchet, Lily Strange, Jimena Magana Chavez, Camila Perez Ruiz

Project Title:
Recycling at Buena

Buena High School, Ventura, California

Michael Yorke

Project Description:
The "Green Team" proposed to divert recyclables from going to the landfill by placing recycling bins at their school. They began their project by interviewing students at Buena High School to gather information on their attitudes and knowledge of recycling. Through their survey, they learned that most students are fairly likely to recycle if bins were implemented. To measure their project's effectiveness, they created prototype bins with reused materials and communicated their plan through a morning announcement and poster, and did another waste assessment. Through their second assessment, they noticed a 129.3% increase in recyclable items. The team introduced 3 recycling bin methods including a recycling wastebasket, curbside recycling bin, and multi-stream recycling bin.

Water Conservation

Team Member(s):
Micah Jones

Project Title:
Project Motion Sensor

Anacapa Middle School, Ventura, California

Erin Mendez

Project Description:
Micah proposed to reduce water waste at home. Through his home water audit, he calculated that his three bathroom faucets use 78,540 gallons of water each year and cost around $1,570. His project's objective is to replace the current bathroom faucets with motion sensor faucets, which would save 20% of the current water used. Micah's plans to communicate his project is through talking about it with his parents, family, and friends and through posters around campus, he will also mention the City of Ventura's "Water Rise Incentive Program" where Ventura Water offers $2 per square foot rebates for projects that replace lawn to water-wise landscapes.

Matilija Dam Outreach Campaign

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Team Member(s):
Breanna Nautu, Ixzel Nava

Project Title:
Give a Dam

Buena High School, Ventura, California

Michael Yorke

Project Description:
To bring awareness of the Matilija Dam and its removal, Breanna and Ixzel interviewed Paul Jenkins from Surfrider Foundation at the Matilija Dam to get insight into why the dam should be removed and its history. Topics that were discussed were its upbringing, species affected by the relic dam, the issues that the dam has brought since its creation, and the plans to remove it.

Sample Project Videos

 Videos for the EECCOA Challenge are meant to help judges understand your project proposal by giving them additional details, and relevant images and film of your school campus. Most importantly, it’s an opportunity to explain your project first hand. Your video should include the information from your presentation and workbook that is important to understand your proposal. The purpose of your video is to explain your project well, convey why it should be implemented, and why you should win! Plus, you can show your creativity and entertain them at the same time.

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Watch other sample videos on our YouTube Channel

Sample Projects Presentations

Energy Efficiency

2022 2nd Prize Winner

2022 3rd Prize Winner

Water Conservation

2022 2nd Prize Winner

2022 Honorable Mention

Waste Reduction

2022 2nd Prize Winner

2022 3rd Prize Winner

Matilija Dam Outreach

2022 2nd Prize Winner

2022 3rd Prize Winner

3897 Market St. Suites 101, 102 & 108



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