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2021 1st Prize Winners

Energy Efficiency

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Team Member(s): 
Yaretzi Martinez

Project Title:
Renewable Energy

R. J Frank Academy of Marine Science and Engineering, Oxnard, California

Juan Navarro

Project Description:
Yaretzi's project proposes for her family's home to be more energy efficient by changing 6 incandescent light bulbs to LED light bulbs. She calculated that by keeping the incandescent light bulbs it costs her family $0.22 a day while switching to LED light bulbs would cost $0.036 a day, saving up to $67.16 a year. She also calculated the saving for her neighbor's home and highlighted other methods we can all use to reduce energy use. She plans to communicate this information to her family to persuade them to switch to LED light bulbs.

Waste Reduction

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Team Member(s): 
Lilac Reyes

Project Title:
Plastic Problem, Period.

Mesa Union School, Somis, California

Christina Jahr

Project Description:
Lilac's project proposes reducing the contaminated waste in her home by 92% per year by purchasing Knix period underwear to replace single-use menstrual products. She calculated that by decreasing the purchase of single-use menstrual products, her household will save $112.34 per year after the first year. Lilac's plans on communicating this issue is by sharing the information with her friends and informing her mom on this alternative for reducing menstrual product waste at home.

Water Conservation

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Team Member(s): 
Kaleb Williams, Aaron Figueroa, Brayden Mlodzik

Project Title:
Campus Contractors

Jonata Middle School, Buellton, California

Marie Chavis

Project Description:
The campus contractors propose to replace 810 square feet of grass in their campus with decomposed granite to create an area where students can spend time and will enjoy. They calculated that by removing just the sprinkler system it would save their school $300 a week and $5000 a year since 15,600 gallons are used to water that area every year. They plan to communicate their proposal through the youtube channel they created, presenting it to their school board, discussing it with other students, contact local construction companies for possible donations, and contact local nurseries for drought-resistant plant donations.

Ocean Acidification Outreach

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Team Member(s): 
Alyssa Wright

Project Title:
The Importance of Ocean Acidification 

Anacapa Middle School, Ventura, California

Erin Mendez

Project Description:
Alyssa's goal for addressing the dangers of ocean acidification was to survey 4 adults, 2 young adults, and a 7th grader. She surveyed her group before and after they watched a video and read an article on ocean acidification and noticed that there was an increase of awareness over the issues on ocean acidification per question. Alyssa plans to contact clubs in her school that involve learning about climate change to show the informational video on ocean acidification and she will also ask her participants to spread awareness over this issue.

Sample Project Videos

 Videos for the EECCOA Challenge are meant to help judges understand your project proposal by giving them additional details, and relevant images and film of your school campus. Most importantly, it’s an opportunity to explain your project first hand. Your video should include the information from your presentation and workbook that is important to understand your proposal. The purpose of your video is to explain your project well, convey why it should be implemented, and why you should win! Plus, you can show your creativity and entertain them at the same time.

This channel is coming soon!
This channel is coming soon!
This channel is coming soon!
This channel is coming soon!

Watch other sample videos on our YouTube Channel

Sample Projects Presentations

Ocean Acidification


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